How to Start a Successful Photography Project
A new year always brings new opportunities and a clean start to new experiences. The beginning of new year is the perfect time to set some new goals. If your goal is to improve your photography, you should definitely start a personal photography project.
A photography project will make you a better photographer, as it will force you to get out there with your camera. You will always have something to shoot and concentrate on. A photography project is one of the best ways to learn to see, as you will be focusing on one subject over and over again. A project will also keep you motivated, improve your portfolio and give you a chance to share your passion with the world.
While about 75% of people stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half are still on target six months later. It’s hard to keep up the enthusiasm, especially when you feel that your creative spirit has left you. Here are some points for you to consider in order to significantly exceed your chances of starting a successful photography project.
Choose a subject. This is a very personal choice, but it should be something which really excites you or you really care about, as this will increase your chances to stick to your project.
Set a Timeline. Without a timeline you may never complete your project, so set a deadline for yourself. This can be a month, three months or a year. Keep your work schedule in mind so that you do not overwhelm yourself with work.
Set a Goal. Decide what you are trying to achieve with your photography project. Do you want to print a calendar, publish a book, or perhaps display your work in an exhibition? Having a greater purpose will keep you motivated.
To Share or not to Share. Decide who you will share your project with. Are you going to post your progress on Facebook, Instagram or Flickr? Perhaps you would like to set up a blog on Tumblr or WordPress. This will add commitment and accountability to your project.
Create a plan that you can easy follow. Make it simple. Keep practising. Remember that making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. Don’t give up, even when it feels that you are not making any progress. Stick to your project, and in a few months you will be amazed how much you will achieve!.
What kind of project are you planning to undertake, and how are you going to show off all your hard work?
Please leave your comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
Hi Eva,
Good intentions don’t always make for great photos. For some time now I have been persevering with dandelions (inspired by yourself) and this Christmas hopefully I should achieve some of what I have been trying to do. But of course the best of intentions dont always make great photographs.
This past year I received by PSNZ Fellowship, and my subject matter was Dandelions.
First, congratulation on your achievements Pauline!
This is true that best intentions not guarantee our success, I think perservirence does.
Hello Eva,
I am very enthousiast about your tips. For some weeks I started a project “feathers” .Working with this theme I am astonished what’s happen. The feathers are doing the work, it is a exploration and every day is different. Your tips are coming on the right moment. My timeline…I will use 3 months for this project and will make an expostion in my house. ( 5 or 8 of my best photo’s) Thank you for this gift!
I’m so pleased Hettie!
Hi Eva, your misadventures project sounds very interesting! Maybe we will see some of these on your facebook site?
I will post something very soon Anne. Here and on Facebook 🙂
A year on and your guidance and inspiration you posted to set ourselves a project lives on. I am inspired. I will set myself a project. My new year’s resolution to garner life’s positive visual messages and share to uplift our spirits.