InstructorEwa Polak
TypeOnline Course
DateJan 19, 2025
Student Enrolled477
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Welcome to the 14-day Impressionist Photography Challenge!

You’re on your way to taking great impressionist photos and having fun in easy, bite-sized lessons!

Are you tired of feeling that your photography just isn’t improving?

Do you want simple advice to help you get unstuck and take action?

When you sign up for #14DaysWithEvaPolak, you’ll immediately get access to your first challenge. Then a new challenge will be available to you every day for the next 14 days, each one with a tip and assignment you can use to explore your voice and become more creative as an impressionist photographer.

This challenge is designed to show you how to apply easy and creative photographic techniques that will take your impressionist photos to the next level!


  • Create a creative process that you enjoy.
  • Learn ways to include your personality in your photography.
  • Use regular photo prompts to share your journey on Instagram and Facebook, helping you connect with other challengers and feel accountable to the challenge.
  • Become clear on the value of your artistic voice.

On Instagram, we’ll be using the hashtag #14DaysWithEvaPolak and #evapolakchallenge, which is how we’ll find each other. I encourage you to comment on each other’s posts and embrace the connections!

So join us to receive the daily inspirational and encouraging challenges and start to explore Impressionist Photography.

Section 1Welcome To The Course
Lecture 1IntroductionFree Preview

Hello and welcome

I’m Eva Polak – artist, photographer, author and teacher. I’m well known for my enthusiasm and passion for impressionist photography. Through my books, online courses and workshops, I help my students release their creative potential and turn their cameras into paintbrushes.

During this 14-day challenge, you’ll get all the tools you need to unleash your creativity each day. You’ll be learning how to apply easy creative photographic techniques that will take your impressionist photos to the next level!

Lecture 2How it works?Free Preview

Over the next 14 days, you’ll receive your daily lesson with a hot tip for photography and a challenge prompt – so you can get right out there and practise your skills straight away!

  1. Add to your address book, so my emails don’t get lost in the ether.
  2. Join Impressionist Photography Facebook Group.
  3. Read the daily lesson.
  4. Upload your challenge photos to the Facebook Group or Instagram.
  5. Hashtag your images: #14DayswithEvaPolak, #evapolakchallenge on Instagram, so we can see all your photos!
  6. Then check out everyone’s photographs from the daily challenge by visiting the hashtags or Facebook group and leave some love on the photos you adore!

To maximise your experience, take 30 minutes each day. Set aside time for daily reflection, putting your technology away. If you don’t keep a journal, right now is the perfect time to start.

If you are open, able, and willing, I invite you to experiment and play with the ideas presented during this challenge – please remember there are no rules. Most importantly, enjoy discovering what works for you!

So come along and walk with me, on a journey into a creative life.

Section 2Day 1
Section 3Day 2
Section 4Day 3
Section 5Day 4
Section 6Day 5
Section 7Day 6
Section 8Day 7
Section 9Day 8
Section 10Day 9
Section 11Day 10
Section 12Day 11
Section 13Day 12
Section 14Day 13
Section 15Day 14
Section 16Thank you!